Monday, September 30, 2013

Dear Fright-Rags, please give me all of your shirts

I've been getting a lot of emails from Fright Rags recently telling me that they have new designs, want to resurrect old ones, and are having sale after sale after sale.
Oh if only my wallet weren't so thin.

If you were unaware, Fright Rags is an online store that specializes in selling really awesome horror t-shirts, hoodies, and prints.  You are now aware of its existence, and you are welcome.

The reason I bring up Fright Rags is because in the past month they've released two new shirt designs that I am absolutely dying to get my hands on.
The first one is a picture of the Frog Brothers (Edgar and Alan Frog), two of my favorite vampire killers from the awesome 1987 movie The Lost Boys.  The brothers are these teenage boys who work at a comic book shop, and team up with the hero of the film to save his older brother from a gang of motorcycle riding vampires.  Sounds awesome right?  Well it is and you should probably go watch it now.

Here is a link to the shirt in case you want to buy it for me, and here is an image of it so we can all bask in how cool it is.

And here is a Frog-brother approved checklist on how to know if your loved one has become a vampire:
  1. Do they sleep a lot?
  2. Does sunlight freak them out?
  3. Bad breath?
  4. Long fingernails?
  5. Yeah, they're a vampire alright.
The second really cool design that they emailed me about a few days ago is from the 1982 slasher movie Pieces.
I love this movie, its super campy and just a really fun bloodbath.  If you like really fun bloodshed and half-naked women being cut in half with a chainsaw, this movie is for you.

Once again, the link to the shirt is here, and here is an image of it so you can contemplate buying it as well.

Granted, this is towards the "exploitation" side of the slasher spectrum, so if you either decide to watch it, or are outraged by the sexualized woman on the front of this shirt...well just take it down a notch because it is an exploitation film.

One really cool thing about Fright Rags is that every now and then you can cast a vote to bring back a design from their "graveyard," which is basically just a page full of their retired designs.  The next resurrection starts on October 1st, and I highly recommend you vote to bring back this Fright Night design because I really want to buy it, but thats just a suggestion.

Now you're probably wondering, "I see you like a lot of their things, but have you actually bought anything from them?" Yes.  Yes I have, and let me tell you about it.
I bought this really awesome Battle Royale t-shirt sometime during the winter, and its still for sale if anyone is interested in buying it.  I love this shirt.  It is super soft, the image is really cool, its stayed vibrant even though I wear it like once a week and wash it basically every time I do laundry.

Just like the website boasts, it was shipped out super quick, a shipping number was given, and arrived in less than a week.  It also came with a very cool An American Werewolf in London sticker (how'd they know I loved that movie!), some sour candies, and a few fact cards about some B-rated horror movies I haven't heard of.  How nice of them!

Here is a photo of me in the shirt, pardon the silly Instagram selfsie;
Team "chubby-girls-exposing-tummy" or bust.
I do recommend Fright Rags if your looking for horror shirts.  Their designs are a lot more interesting than the ones you find in the mall at places like FYE or Hot Topic, I'm just saying.  They're fast with their shipping and hey you get some free WarHeads out of this so whats not to like?

So since you were probably wondering, I take a size medium in mens or a size large in womens!  That's a joke, but buy me those shirts.  I'm fully kidding.  Sort of.

Until next time!
♥ the 'real' Tatum Riley

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