About Me

So who are you?
Me?  I'm just some 21 year old History-major/blogger who lives in Philly, and is a horror movie enthusiast/has a abundant love for all things scary.  And yes that is me on my sidebar, that is what I look like in case anyone was wondering.
>> Introduction post can be read here <<

So who is "Tatum Riley"?
My favorite character from my favorite horror movie, Scream.  She's the snarky best friend who doesn't make it to the sequel (spoilers), played by the lovely Rose McGowan.

And what do you hope to accomplish with this blog?
Oh you know, just get my opinion out there to maybe one or two people!  Maybe talk to a few others about the horror genre, swap opinions, just...I don't know.  Blogging for fun, I hope whomever is reading this at least enjoys it a little!

Why do you want to stay slightly anonymous?
For fun, never had a fake online personality so I figured I'd give it a try!  People are bound to find out who I am eventually, and my friends know that I run this blog, so its not actively a secret.  Its just...fun I guess.

What are your favorite types of horror?
Oooooh that is a hard question.  I'm really fond of the slasher genre when it comes to movies, I guess I can call that my favorite genre.  When it comes to books, I really love monsters -- think Salem's Lot or anything by Lovecraft, you feel me?  I always found it better to imagine monsters than see them.

Who are you to judge movies/books/etc?
I'm no expert on anything by any means.  I'm in an Intro to Film Studies class this semester (Fall 2013), but my lovely boyfriend is the film student here.  I just talk about what I like and don't like...although I can brag about the fact that I did my final project for History of American Pop Culture on slasher movies, and my professor was so blown away with my paper and presentation that she still uses it in her curriculum 2 years later, not to get a big head or nothing.

Can you recommend me some things then?
I will make that into a page eventually!  Check back for it!

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