Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Obligatory Introduction Post

Every day of my existence I've thought, "hmm why don't I run a horror blog?"  Yes, even since the day I was conceived, I've had that thought.

As I woke up this morning I had that thought again, but this time it was followed with "well fuck it why not lets do this thing."
And so it begins.

Let's back up a little bit, and I'll explain some things.  As of yesterday, I'm a 21 year old college student who currently lives in Philadelphia, PA.
The purpose of this blog is to just...kind know, talk about things.  I mean, isn't that what all blogs are for?
Mainly here you'll see posts related to horror things; movies I've watched, books or comics I've read...even a game I played...or attempted to play, haha.
Mixed in with those posts will probably be some posts about my personal life.  I'll talk about my school, friends, family, boyfriend, roommates, cat, and what not.  However, since that is pretty boring, it won't be terribly often.
Also, to respect the privacy of everyone I know, I wont use their full names (or their names maybe?  Maybe I'll give them all nicknames because that'd be cool right)...except my cat, Catalie Purrtman, because that's a great name and everyone should know it.

On that note, I do have a name, obviously.  And if you know me personally you probably know it.  If you've just stumbled on to this blog, I guess I'll say it now; I'm not going to post my name often because I really like the idea of having an elusive, secretive, internet persona.  I've never done it before and dare I say, I think its a little thrilling.

Maybe I'm just a huge dork though.

I'll just go by the name of one of my favorite, snarky, fictional characters; Tatum Riley from Scream.
Or, well, "the real Tatum Riley."

So lets have fun, shall we?
Get ready for some awesome reviews of all the things previously mentioned.  Most likely more movies than anything due to the fact college started up again, so it'll be harder for me to play through long games, or read long books.
I'm also going to hold giveaways, maybe do some audio posts/reviews, hopefully talk to some other people.

It should be a good run.

"I'll see you in the next reel."
♥ the 'real' Tatum Riley

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