Saturday, August 31, 2013

WTNV t-shirt contest

One of these days I promise to do an actual post about Welcome to Night Vale, explaining what it is, how I feel about it, where to download it, what have you.
...I should probably finish it before making a post about it, haha.

In the mean time, I'm just going to assume you know something about WTNV if you're reading this.  (...And all of my English and History teachers are cringing somewhere because I'm breaking Rule No. 1 of essay writing; always assume your reader knows nothing.)

Basically I just wanted to say that Commonplace Books, the people who create and produce WTNV are currently holding a t-shirt design contest for the show.  Or, well, today is the last day to enter, so I guess its more of "just held a contest?"  Whatever.

My lovely lovely boyfriend actually decided to enter the contest!  He also gave me permission to post his entry on this blog because 1.) if he doesn't win, no one will see his design anyway, and 2.) he actually created it for me, making me a Night Vale Community Radio Intern t-shirt for my birthday this past week.  What a sweetie!

So here is his design:

We're crossing our fingers to see it on September 15th when they announce the finalists!  If not, its no big loss.  He gave me permission to make some for my friends, or use it in a if he doesn't make it, then there are still ways to get your own!

The prototype was my birthday present! 
He even included a letter from Cecil thats quite funny.
As you can see, he cleaned the design up a bit.  I personally think the best part of my personal shirt is the fact that is says "INTERN" on the back, followed by my name.
Well actually it says "INTERN DYLAN," but "DYLAN" is crossed out and my name is underneath.  This is because in the show, their intern Dylan met a very tragic end.  It is explained in the silly letter he wrote me.

Well guys, what do you think of the shirt?  Anyone else submit anything?  Anyone else a fan of Welcome to Night Vale?  Leave your comments below!

Also if you don't want to wait who-knows-how-long for a my review of WTNV, a simple Google or iTunes search will give you answers and free download links!  And for those of you who don't know whether or not this fits with the theme of my blog; it does.  Its a lovely, comedic, Lovecraft-type horror podcast that I really recommend listening to!

Sorry for the short post, and...

"Good night listeners, goodnight."
♥ the 'real' Tatum Riley

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