Monday, March 31, 2014

Its been too long

Hi hi hi
I'm not dead! And I haven't fully abandoned this blog I promise!!

Basically, I made a bunch of fun plans for reviews, giveaways, recommendations, etc. but then life happened and, obviously, mental health takes priority over horror movie blogging.  Surprised, right?
For those of you who read this and care; here is a cheat sheet version of my life since the start of 2014 and the reasons I've been neglecting blogging:

  1. I broke up with my now ex-boyfriend, which was incredibly rough for both of us
  2. I busted my ass trying to apply for grad school -- taking the GRE's, writing samples, finding professors to recommend me
  3. My cat that I grew up with died
  4. My grandma died
  5. My mother ran into some severe issues with her health that has made family life at home a little tense, difficult, and sad
  6. The ceiling in my room in my apartment collapsed
  7. Katsucon/Jaycon and cosplay crunch happened, but that's equally fun as it is stressful
  8. And just this semester is kicking my ass
So there's that, I'm feeling a lot better now though!  And I do in fact want to get this blog up and running again, but maybe ease back into it now that life is a little easier for me.

I hope to see you all soon!
♥ the 'real' Tatum Riley

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