Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A blog post about "Uzumaki"

Not to mislead you or anything, this is sort of a blog post about the Japanese horror comic Uzumaki.  I just want to shed light on, as I've been saying and as I've promised, I am reading it, and I will be posting a review about it once I finish it.

However, I'm postponing my reading of it due to the arrival of a new book.

This book to be exact:
And maybe you aren't aware of it but
A little obsessed
With Twin Peaks.

For those of you who don't know, Twin Peaks is an early 90's television show, and (It's all different types of things, one of those being 'horror' so it fits the theme of my blog.) its a thriller-mystery-whodunnit-cop-dramaedy that ran for two amazing seasons, and got cancelled.  After which they -- creator David Lynch and the other producers -- made a movie to wrap everything up.

To be completely honest, I classify the movie as horror because its truly unsettling and quite scary.

A dear friend of mine actually asked me not too long ago if I've considered reviewing the show and/or movie for this blog and my answer is; yes, I really want to.  I wont for a little bit because I'm doing a re-watch of it with my boyfriend, and once I finish that (or get impatient with waiting, we just don't know) I'll review everything.
(Well...maybe the movie.  You see, I want to review the movie because I do find it really scary, but there are some scenes in it that make me rather uncomfortable and I'm not 100% sure I want to re-watch it in the near future due to my reactions to said scenes last time.)

Until those posts, and if you're not interested in this show yet, here is the basic run down of it that I use when I want to get anyone interested:
Twin Peaks is a show about the town and people of Twin Peaks.  The pilot episode of the show is one of the best pilot episodes of all time, introducing all these amazing characters and presenting a murder mystery as the plot of the show.  A high school girl, Laura Palmer, is found dead and wrapped in plastic within the first 5-10 minutes, and no one has any idea who the murderer is.  Soon after the discovery, FBI's Special Agent of my heart Dale Cooper comes to Twin Peaks to solve the mystery and find the killer.  Nothing seems to be funnier to my boyfriend than my massive crush on Agent Cooper, I swear I'll never hear the end of it.

Twin Peaks runs for two seasons before its cancelled, both ending on massive cliff hangers.  The movie made afterward serves as both a prequel and a sequel to the show.  I highly recommend looking into it, and I know this is not a review but I give it 5/5 stars.

Well this blog post diverged a lot from its title and ends rather abruptly.  Um...'the end?'  I'll see you next blog post?

"Diane, I have in my hand a small box of chocolate bunnies."
♥ the 'real' Tatum Riley

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