Monday, March 31, 2014

Its been too long

Hi hi hi
I'm not dead! And I haven't fully abandoned this blog I promise!!

Basically, I made a bunch of fun plans for reviews, giveaways, recommendations, etc. but then life happened and, obviously, mental health takes priority over horror movie blogging.  Surprised, right?
For those of you who read this and care; here is a cheat sheet version of my life since the start of 2014 and the reasons I've been neglecting blogging:

  1. I broke up with my now ex-boyfriend, which was incredibly rough for both of us
  2. I busted my ass trying to apply for grad school -- taking the GRE's, writing samples, finding professors to recommend me
  3. My cat that I grew up with died
  4. My grandma died
  5. My mother ran into some severe issues with her health that has made family life at home a little tense, difficult, and sad
  6. The ceiling in my room in my apartment collapsed
  7. Katsucon/Jaycon and cosplay crunch happened, but that's equally fun as it is stressful
  8. And just this semester is kicking my ass
So there's that, I'm feeling a lot better now though!  And I do in fact want to get this blog up and running again, but maybe ease back into it now that life is a little easier for me.

I hope to see you all soon!
♥ the 'real' Tatum Riley

Friday, January 10, 2014

Snow, tea, and Lovecraft-monsters

It snowed this morning.  Not enough for them to cancel school for my siblings, and not enough for the neighbors to call out of work to dig their buried cars out of their driveway, no car is buried.

Since its cold and I am home for winter break, I figured I'd take this early afternoon to, once again, attempt to play through Anchorhead, a game I have been dying to review on this blog.  Before I get into why I haven't gotten around to that yet, I guess I should tell you a little background information about this game and what not...

I'll start by saying that a lot of my friends like to tease me and tell me that I'm way too 'dated' for this generation, or whatever.  The reason they say this is because they're convinced I should have been my age about 20 years ago due to the fact I've got a huge affinity for 90's dramas about FBI Agents, I'm oddly obsessive when it comes to checking my email, I still call people from landlines, and I really like text-based games.
For those of you who don't know what that is, a text-based game is a video game that uses text and text-input commands, rather than graphics. So it would look something like this (italicized for emphasis):

This would be a piece of the story, something like describing what the
character may be looking at, explaining what lies North, South, East, 
or West, what actions you can do, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

> Here is where you type in a basic command and hit 'enter'

And here is where the command is received and the story continues.

Simple and straight forward, yes?  I really like to play games like that, I find them really fun because you can imagine the scenery and characters and its basically like an interactive book.

Anchorhead, created in the late 1990's, is a text-input based, Lovecraftian horror adventure game.  For those of you who are fans of Lovecraft, Stephen King, or Welcome to Night Vale, this game will probably peak your interest.

The game follows an unnamed female protagonist who recently moved to a small costal New England town (much like most Stephen King books) with her husband, an aspiring writer (once again, so King), to inherit a mansion his very eerie, distant, and now dead family member left him.  There, the protagonist feels very lonely and isolated in a big creepy house which resides in a lonely, gloomy, cold, and rainy town.  Sounds cool right?  Well it gets better.
As if it wasn't unsettling enough that you're alone in an empty unknown place, but you (the protagonist) also happen to uncover an evil that threatens the town that obviously, you have to stop.  Without spoiling what it is, the evil that you have to face is very based off of Lovecraft's stories (hint: think monster-entity like).  The entire game takes place over the course of 2-3 days, and it requires a lot of puzzle solving and exploring.  The reason I relate it to Welcome to Night Vale is because, well, Night Vale itself is like a goofy-Lovecraf type horror, and Anchorhead requires that you explore and get familiar with where you're going and because of that it brings this odd sense of familiarity that I believe you get from keeping up with WTNV.
I guess my explanation of text-based games wasn't needed
The reason I'm not reviewing Anchorhead right now is because I have yet to finish the game, oops.  When I first started playing it in the fall, I was too proud to look up walkthroughs or maps, and it took me ages to finish the first day and I just became annoyed with exploring and not making the story move forward.  So I stopped.
The second time I picked it up, I used a walk through to help me when I got stuck, and I actually made it really far until my friend accidentally closed the window and I lost all the data.  That was so frustrating, I was so mad.

This time around, I say "screw it, I'll use the walkthrough to get through the parts I already solved myself quickly," and hopefully actually finish it.  When I do, since I already made this post, I might make a short review giving it how many stars I think it deserves, a little more about the story, etc.

For those interested in the game, you can play it here (the Wiki image above is the same version I've linked).  The walkthrough I've used/am using can be found here, and here is a map of the game (its a massive file, you've been warned).

Wow, I'm sorry that this post is so text-heavy, but I guess that makes sense based off the content?  Either way, I'm sorry it is a whole lot of reading this time.
Anyway, I'm back and blogging you guys!  If you didn't notice already, I changed the background of my blog to be less distracting (and more fitting with the Scream theme I've got going), let me know what you think!

Now excuse me, I've got tea to drink and a Lovecraft-based creature to stop from destroying the town of Anchorhead
♥ the 'real' Tatum Riley

Friday, January 3, 2014

I'm not dead!

Hey guys!
Its been awhile and I guess I should catch you up on whats been going on and what to expect.

As I said two months ago, I really wanted to take some time off from horror due to the unfortunate death of someone.  It was hard hitting for everyone and I figured I needed the space to finish up my semester and I thought I was going to be back blogging in time for the beginning of winter break.
Well...besides the semester being really hard, I also got bronchitis and am currently going through a pretty bad break up, so I've not really been motivated to do anything except marathon reality TV shows on TLC.  Oops.

Anyway, I'm basically back now!  I wanted to just write something up to say hey, say what I'm planning on doing, etc etc etc.

So what I have planned for the near future:

  1. I want to review Zombies, Run! the iPhone app
  2. I want to share some of the essays I wrote on horror for my film class
  3. Review more movies/books/shows/games/everything
  4. And other things I guess??
Sorry if this is short and unorganized, and also I probably still wont be crazy active until February because of applying for my Masters and going to Katsucon...both being in February.

So until then, I'll try to get some stuff up for you guys!
♥ the 'real' Tatum Riley

Friday, November 1, 2013

An apology

Hey guys, I just wanted to make a post explaining why I haven't been so active recently and why I missed the last two weeks of reviews for Ginger Snap's Halloween-month.  And I am sorry about it.

You see, for the millionth time, I am crazy busy with school work.  I thought I survived Hell Week (midterms), but it turns out that between today and next sunday I have; two 6 page papers, two tests, and the first draft of my 25 page final paper for my writing intensive.
It was a very similar workload the past few weeks as well, and obviously school takes priority over blogging or whatever.
Since I spend so much time reading and writing anyway, the last thing I want to do with my downtime is write even more (or blog for that matter), so instead I've been marathoning different anime or TV shows.

While I did buy some time this weekend to not be doing school work, I have to head home and then make a calling to a dear friend who just lost her younger brother yesterday.
So on top of massive amounts of schoolwork and exhaustion, I'm just not in the mood to be thinking about horror or death right now.

My apologies.  I should be back in the near future, but until then have some photos of my Halloween costumes from last weekend and last night.

The boyfriend and I as Cecil and Carlos from Welcome to Night Vale last weekend
My friend as Cop! Stocking and myself as Cop! Panty from Panty and Stocking last night
The Welcome to Night Vale costumes were worn for the Halloween Party I threw last Friday, and the cop Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt costumes were worn for a costume contest during anime club that we placed first in.  Reference image to who we were being can be found here and the dubbed episode can be found here.

Here is a bonus photo of me and my boyfriend as Panty and Ghostbuster! Brief (though I can promise you right now I do not treat him the way she treats Brief, don't worry)!

Lame couple photo haha
On that note, I have to finish researching for a paper, and packing to go home today.
I'll ask you this though; what were you for Halloween?  Leave comments and links to your costumes, I'd love to see them!  Hope you had a great holiday and I'll see you next time I find time or energy to make a post!

Until then!
♥ the 'real' Tatum Riley

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Shop Review: NovelCreations

So remember back in August when I reviewed Salem's Lot by Stephen King?  (Well its linked right there in case you want to read it.)  And at the end of the post I mentioned that the shop NovelCreations on Etsy actually turned the Barnes and Noble edition of the book into a beautiful purse that I had been lusting after ever since I saw it.
Thanks to stress from school my heavy belief in retail therapy, I finally ordered it 2 weeks ago and it came in the mail today!

Aw, just look how dumbly happy I am
I want to review this wonderful bag and the shop it came from here, and at the end of this post I'll put the coupon code that myself and the shop owner Karen made for 15% off a bag!

NovelCreations (click the name for the shop link), is an Etsy shop that repurposes hardcover books into purses.  Right?  How cool is that?
Other than the Stephen King purse I went ahead and bought myself, here are some links to other bags I like; 1, 2, 3, 4.  She also does custom orders.

Now, you may be like me and see the prices and think, "Well I really want that, but my wallet can't really take that stress right now..." The great news about that is the shop owner, Karen, is really nice and easy to talk to, and she completely understands that not everyone can afford it all at once.  All you have to do is message her and say you'd be interested in one of her purses, and she'll explain how to pay it off a little at a time until its all paid for and yours.  And I can assure you, the bag is well worth the price.

Before I get into that, I want to add; after I placed my order, it took about a week to a week and a half to be created, but it shipped and arrived in 2-3 days.  Fast delivery is the best thing in the world.  And it came wrapped in paper with a super cute wax seal on the front and a personalized thank you note.  That just made it all the better.

Cute, right?
So recap:
  • Sweet, sweet bags
  • The creator/owner is nice and willing to work out payment plans that fit your needs
  • Custom orders
  • Fast delivery
  • Awesome purse
  • What's not to like?
Here are some pictures of my bag, apologies yet again for bad iPhone quality photos and the fact that the window was right behind me and washed the book color out to a weird gray.

Front detail
Look how much of my crap it holds!
Its really spacious too, in the bag in the above picture I've shoved; my giant wallet, my birth control case, my keys, my butterfly knife, headphones, a small notebook, 2 pens, EOS lipbalm, and my cellphone and it shuts without even bulging.

In case you were wondering, I ordered it with shoulder length straps.  Its just a personal preference, but there is more than that option for when you order it, the book purse can range from clutch style to messenger style, and all the options are on the Etsy page.

For communication, ease/time of creating/ordering/delivery, and quality of the bag, I give this shop 5/5 stars and I will be going back and buying more bags, for sure.

If and when you decide to order a bag from her, I'm not sure how long this is in effect but, Karen and I have created a coupon code for you all.  Enter the phrase "TATUMRILEY" at checkout and receive 15% off of your order!

Happy shopping you guys!
♥ the 'real' Tatum Riley

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A late post about NYCC

I totally meant to write a New York Comic Con post on Sunday when I got back from it, however between school assignments and some personal issues I've been pretty unmotivated to so do.  Sorry.

But I'm here now!  And New York Comic Con was more than amazing, seriously, its just I can't even create real words to describe it.
In case you didn't know I'm actually a cosplayer, and if you are unfamiliar with the hobby, here is a link to its Wikipedia article.  I really love going to con's because I love wearing and seeing the effort that people put into costumes.  Its amazing, they make some of my favorite comic book, anime, movie, or video game characters come to life.

Not incredibly relevant to my blog theme, but my boyfriend and I decided to cosplay pajama Link and Tetra from Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, and since it just got rereleased in HD, the crowds response to us was almost magical.  It took us so long to cross the lobby of the convention center because so many people wanted photos of or with us.

Hey thats us!
Now to actually get back to the purpose of this post, other than just to gloat about how much fun I had, here are some amazing horror cosplays I saw around the con.  Sadly I don't have any of the names of the cosplayers, so if by some odd chance you know who they are, please leave a comment saying who they are so I can credit them, because they looked so great I just have to give credit somehow.

Chestburster; Alien

"Sam;" Trick 'r Treat

Ash; Army of Darkness

Pyramid Head; Silent Hill

Colombia and Eddie; Rocky Horror Picture Show
Ok, so maybe Rocky Horror isn't really horror, but its a cult film and everyone likes it so deal with it.  Those two actually host Rocky Horror's midnight shows on Fridays in my hometown, according to my younger sister.  Who knew.

Also there was this one Pyramid Head cosplayer who, sadly, I couldn't get a photo of.  He was wearing stilts and was terrifying.  It was so cool.

Sorry for the less-than-great iPhone photos!  I'll probably make another post later tonight about my weekly review on Ginger Snap's blog for Halloween...and I guess you'll see another post from me there as well!
Until then, stay spooky.
♥ the 'real' Tatum Riley

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Tatum Riley in "Detention"???

Ok, yeah, the title of this post is a joke I'm not actually in detention or anything.  To be honest I don't even know if college gives out detentions...?

The point of this post is a casual reminder that I've teamed up with Ginger Snap to do a horror movie review for her blog every Wednesday of the month of October.  Link to her blog on her name and also right here for when you want to go check it out.
For the record it probably wont be posted until late, which is totally my fault and I'm so sorry.  As you probably guessed schoolwork is prioritized over horror blogging (although I wish it wasn't).  So I'm sending it over quite late, and she has work until late, and I'm already like 2-3 time zones over from her so yeah, sorry about the general lateness of this review.

The movie I'm reviewing, and the inspiration for the title of this blog post, is Detention.  Why its called "detention" I'm not sure the characters are barely in detention at all.  Whatever, here is the link to the trailer in case you're interested.

Quick sort of fun story about this; I promised you all that I would only review movies I hadn't seen before, however this week was filled with fun essays -- one which I actually wrote on the horror movie Carrie -- so I wasn't sure I'd be able to find time to watch a new movie to review and considered just reviewing something I've already seen.  Luckily for me, it was like the blogging gods heard my woes, and tonight in my Intro to Film Studies class my professor said, "Since you guys busted ass writing a paper, lets watch a fun slasher-comedy."  Thank you based Ghostface.

Alright, here is the link to Ginger Snap's blog one last time, hopefully you'll see the review posted tonight...if not check back in the morning.

And I will see you all hopefully when I get back from New York Comic Con.  Apologies for the quick post.
♥ the 'real' Tatum Riley