Friday, January 3, 2014

I'm not dead!

Hey guys!
Its been awhile and I guess I should catch you up on whats been going on and what to expect.

As I said two months ago, I really wanted to take some time off from horror due to the unfortunate death of someone.  It was hard hitting for everyone and I figured I needed the space to finish up my semester and I thought I was going to be back blogging in time for the beginning of winter break.
Well...besides the semester being really hard, I also got bronchitis and am currently going through a pretty bad break up, so I've not really been motivated to do anything except marathon reality TV shows on TLC.  Oops.

Anyway, I'm basically back now!  I wanted to just write something up to say hey, say what I'm planning on doing, etc etc etc.

So what I have planned for the near future:

  1. I want to review Zombies, Run! the iPhone app
  2. I want to share some of the essays I wrote on horror for my film class
  3. Review more movies/books/shows/games/everything
  4. And other things I guess??
Sorry if this is short and unorganized, and also I probably still wont be crazy active until February because of applying for my Masters and going to Katsucon...both being in February.

So until then, I'll try to get some stuff up for you guys!
♥ the 'real' Tatum Riley

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