Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A late post about NYCC

I totally meant to write a New York Comic Con post on Sunday when I got back from it, however between school assignments and some personal issues I've been pretty unmotivated to so do.  Sorry.

But I'm here now!  And New York Comic Con was more than amazing, seriously, its just I can't even create real words to describe it.
In case you didn't know I'm actually a cosplayer, and if you are unfamiliar with the hobby, here is a link to its Wikipedia article.  I really love going to con's because I love wearing and seeing the effort that people put into costumes.  Its amazing, they make some of my favorite comic book, anime, movie, or video game characters come to life.

Not incredibly relevant to my blog theme, but my boyfriend and I decided to cosplay pajama Link and Tetra from Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, and since it just got rereleased in HD, the crowds response to us was almost magical.  It took us so long to cross the lobby of the convention center because so many people wanted photos of or with us.

Hey thats us!
Now to actually get back to the purpose of this post, other than just to gloat about how much fun I had, here are some amazing horror cosplays I saw around the con.  Sadly I don't have any of the names of the cosplayers, so if by some odd chance you know who they are, please leave a comment saying who they are so I can credit them, because they looked so great I just have to give credit somehow.

Chestburster; Alien

"Sam;" Trick 'r Treat

Ash; Army of Darkness

Pyramid Head; Silent Hill

Colombia and Eddie; Rocky Horror Picture Show
Ok, so maybe Rocky Horror isn't really horror, but its a cult film and everyone likes it so deal with it.  Those two actually host Rocky Horror's midnight shows on Fridays in my hometown, according to my younger sister.  Who knew.

Also there was this one Pyramid Head cosplayer who, sadly, I couldn't get a photo of.  He was wearing stilts and was terrifying.  It was so cool.

Sorry for the less-than-great iPhone photos!  I'll probably make another post later tonight about my weekly review on Ginger Snap's blog for Halloween...and I guess you'll see another post from me there as well!
Until then, stay spooky.
♥ the 'real' Tatum Riley

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