Thursday, October 24, 2013

Shop Review: NovelCreations

So remember back in August when I reviewed Salem's Lot by Stephen King?  (Well its linked right there in case you want to read it.)  And at the end of the post I mentioned that the shop NovelCreations on Etsy actually turned the Barnes and Noble edition of the book into a beautiful purse that I had been lusting after ever since I saw it.
Thanks to stress from school my heavy belief in retail therapy, I finally ordered it 2 weeks ago and it came in the mail today!

Aw, just look how dumbly happy I am
I want to review this wonderful bag and the shop it came from here, and at the end of this post I'll put the coupon code that myself and the shop owner Karen made for 15% off a bag!

NovelCreations (click the name for the shop link), is an Etsy shop that repurposes hardcover books into purses.  Right?  How cool is that?
Other than the Stephen King purse I went ahead and bought myself, here are some links to other bags I like; 1, 2, 3, 4.  She also does custom orders.

Now, you may be like me and see the prices and think, "Well I really want that, but my wallet can't really take that stress right now..." The great news about that is the shop owner, Karen, is really nice and easy to talk to, and she completely understands that not everyone can afford it all at once.  All you have to do is message her and say you'd be interested in one of her purses, and she'll explain how to pay it off a little at a time until its all paid for and yours.  And I can assure you, the bag is well worth the price.

Before I get into that, I want to add; after I placed my order, it took about a week to a week and a half to be created, but it shipped and arrived in 2-3 days.  Fast delivery is the best thing in the world.  And it came wrapped in paper with a super cute wax seal on the front and a personalized thank you note.  That just made it all the better.

Cute, right?
So recap:
  • Sweet, sweet bags
  • The creator/owner is nice and willing to work out payment plans that fit your needs
  • Custom orders
  • Fast delivery
  • Awesome purse
  • What's not to like?
Here are some pictures of my bag, apologies yet again for bad iPhone quality photos and the fact that the window was right behind me and washed the book color out to a weird gray.

Front detail
Look how much of my crap it holds!
Its really spacious too, in the bag in the above picture I've shoved; my giant wallet, my birth control case, my keys, my butterfly knife, headphones, a small notebook, 2 pens, EOS lipbalm, and my cellphone and it shuts without even bulging.

In case you were wondering, I ordered it with shoulder length straps.  Its just a personal preference, but there is more than that option for when you order it, the book purse can range from clutch style to messenger style, and all the options are on the Etsy page.

For communication, ease/time of creating/ordering/delivery, and quality of the bag, I give this shop 5/5 stars and I will be going back and buying more bags, for sure.

If and when you decide to order a bag from her, I'm not sure how long this is in effect but, Karen and I have created a coupon code for you all.  Enter the phrase "TATUMRILEY" at checkout and receive 15% off of your order!

Happy shopping you guys!
♥ the 'real' Tatum Riley

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A late post about NYCC

I totally meant to write a New York Comic Con post on Sunday when I got back from it, however between school assignments and some personal issues I've been pretty unmotivated to so do.  Sorry.

But I'm here now!  And New York Comic Con was more than amazing, seriously, its just I can't even create real words to describe it.
In case you didn't know I'm actually a cosplayer, and if you are unfamiliar with the hobby, here is a link to its Wikipedia article.  I really love going to con's because I love wearing and seeing the effort that people put into costumes.  Its amazing, they make some of my favorite comic book, anime, movie, or video game characters come to life.

Not incredibly relevant to my blog theme, but my boyfriend and I decided to cosplay pajama Link and Tetra from Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, and since it just got rereleased in HD, the crowds response to us was almost magical.  It took us so long to cross the lobby of the convention center because so many people wanted photos of or with us.

Hey thats us!
Now to actually get back to the purpose of this post, other than just to gloat about how much fun I had, here are some amazing horror cosplays I saw around the con.  Sadly I don't have any of the names of the cosplayers, so if by some odd chance you know who they are, please leave a comment saying who they are so I can credit them, because they looked so great I just have to give credit somehow.

Chestburster; Alien

"Sam;" Trick 'r Treat

Ash; Army of Darkness

Pyramid Head; Silent Hill

Colombia and Eddie; Rocky Horror Picture Show
Ok, so maybe Rocky Horror isn't really horror, but its a cult film and everyone likes it so deal with it.  Those two actually host Rocky Horror's midnight shows on Fridays in my hometown, according to my younger sister.  Who knew.

Also there was this one Pyramid Head cosplayer who, sadly, I couldn't get a photo of.  He was wearing stilts and was terrifying.  It was so cool.

Sorry for the less-than-great iPhone photos!  I'll probably make another post later tonight about my weekly review on Ginger Snap's blog for Halloween...and I guess you'll see another post from me there as well!
Until then, stay spooky.
♥ the 'real' Tatum Riley

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Tatum Riley in "Detention"???

Ok, yeah, the title of this post is a joke I'm not actually in detention or anything.  To be honest I don't even know if college gives out detentions...?

The point of this post is a casual reminder that I've teamed up with Ginger Snap to do a horror movie review for her blog every Wednesday of the month of October.  Link to her blog on her name and also right here for when you want to go check it out.
For the record it probably wont be posted until late, which is totally my fault and I'm so sorry.  As you probably guessed schoolwork is prioritized over horror blogging (although I wish it wasn't).  So I'm sending it over quite late, and she has work until late, and I'm already like 2-3 time zones over from her so yeah, sorry about the general lateness of this review.

The movie I'm reviewing, and the inspiration for the title of this blog post, is Detention.  Why its called "detention" I'm not sure the characters are barely in detention at all.  Whatever, here is the link to the trailer in case you're interested.

Quick sort of fun story about this; I promised you all that I would only review movies I hadn't seen before, however this week was filled with fun essays -- one which I actually wrote on the horror movie Carrie -- so I wasn't sure I'd be able to find time to watch a new movie to review and considered just reviewing something I've already seen.  Luckily for me, it was like the blogging gods heard my woes, and tonight in my Intro to Film Studies class my professor said, "Since you guys busted ass writing a paper, lets watch a fun slasher-comedy."  Thank you based Ghostface.

Alright, here is the link to Ginger Snap's blog one last time, hopefully you'll see the review posted tonight...if not check back in the morning.

And I will see you all hopefully when I get back from New York Comic Con.  Apologies for the quick post.
♥ the 'real' Tatum Riley

Friday, October 4, 2013

Halloween month!

Hey guys and ghouls -- oh dear that was really corny wasn't it?  Ah well, hey everyone!  I am so excited because its October, and as a horror blogger I'm sure we all can guess what my favorite holiday is.  Yep thats right, its New Years!
I'm just kidding, its Halloween of course.  Sadly its about 86 degrees here so welcoming autumn has been a this year, but hopefully it will cool off soon.

So I meant to make this post on the first of October, but unfortunately I've been pretty under the weather and completely bogged down with work, so I wasn't able to.  Or well, wasn't motivated to.
What I wanted to say (other then complain about the heat), is that I really wanted to do a whole "31 Days of Halloween" type thing, I mean, I'm a horror blog what is more up my alley than that?  Sadly being a History-major college-senior won't allow me the time to do maybe next year.

However, my dear sweet lovely Ginger Snap is doing a Halloween theme for her blog this month and she's asked me to come aboard every Wednesday -- starting next week -- to do a horror movie review.  Her introductory post about what she's aiming to do this month on her blog can be found here and you should all check it out.

Check out that cute divider I'll be using this month!  So cute.  So spooky.

Anyway, I wanted to give you a basic run down of what I'll be doing as a guest on her blog; as I said I'll be appearing every Wednesday reviewing a horror movie that I haven't seen before, so theres no opinions formed already on what I'm watching, you'll get the full experience of a review.
The reviews are based off of the sub-categories of horror from Seth Grahame-Smith's How to Survive a Horror Movie manual (which I will add, is totally worth the read).  You may know the name because he is the author of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, which I actually haven't read yet.

Back on topic; the beginning of How to Survive a Horror Movie breaks down the horror genre into five basic categories; slashers, evil places/things, the undead, fangs (monsters), and satanic...things and events.
Ginger Snap has already posted a review on James Wan's recent film The Conjuring (which I also loved) and that covers the "satanic" category, so the last four will be left to me.  Seeing as I am a broke college student who is rather busy, most of the movies I will be watching will be via Netflix, so more easily accessible to everyone than ones that just left theaters.  You are welcome.

There are also other things I hope to review this month, but I'm not going to mention them here because I can't promise anything.
Sorry this post is so last minute, here have a cute ghost GIF to make up for it:

I'll see you all (hopefully) soon, either here or on Ginger Snap's blog!
♥ the 'real' Tatum Riley