Friday, November 1, 2013

An apology

Hey guys, I just wanted to make a post explaining why I haven't been so active recently and why I missed the last two weeks of reviews for Ginger Snap's Halloween-month.  And I am sorry about it.

You see, for the millionth time, I am crazy busy with school work.  I thought I survived Hell Week (midterms), but it turns out that between today and next sunday I have; two 6 page papers, two tests, and the first draft of my 25 page final paper for my writing intensive.
It was a very similar workload the past few weeks as well, and obviously school takes priority over blogging or whatever.
Since I spend so much time reading and writing anyway, the last thing I want to do with my downtime is write even more (or blog for that matter), so instead I've been marathoning different anime or TV shows.

While I did buy some time this weekend to not be doing school work, I have to head home and then make a calling to a dear friend who just lost her younger brother yesterday.
So on top of massive amounts of schoolwork and exhaustion, I'm just not in the mood to be thinking about horror or death right now.

My apologies.  I should be back in the near future, but until then have some photos of my Halloween costumes from last weekend and last night.

The boyfriend and I as Cecil and Carlos from Welcome to Night Vale last weekend
My friend as Cop! Stocking and myself as Cop! Panty from Panty and Stocking last night
The Welcome to Night Vale costumes were worn for the Halloween Party I threw last Friday, and the cop Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt costumes were worn for a costume contest during anime club that we placed first in.  Reference image to who we were being can be found here and the dubbed episode can be found here.

Here is a bonus photo of me and my boyfriend as Panty and Ghostbuster! Brief (though I can promise you right now I do not treat him the way she treats Brief, don't worry)!

Lame couple photo haha
On that note, I have to finish researching for a paper, and packing to go home today.
I'll ask you this though; what were you for Halloween?  Leave comments and links to your costumes, I'd love to see them!  Hope you had a great holiday and I'll see you next time I find time or energy to make a post!

Until then!
♥ the 'real' Tatum Riley